Well, where do i begin? Welcome back! "as the wheel turns", I think that is what we need to start calling this lovely sport that we are all stuck in! LOL Don't get me wrong, I live, and breathe for skating. Besides my family, this is what i live for... Skating.... I don't think that I would change ONE thing about my life, i do what i love to pay the bills, i see my son whenever i want (even though 24 hrs a day isn't enough), I travel to races, see my friends, and make new friends at the races, and most of all, I skate, and in my opinion God has blessed me to be as good as i am, with very little training.
That brings me to my next point..
Humility... Its a strong word, but not a word that gets brought up enough, or shown enough. I have had my fair share of NOT being humble, i regret EVERY single one of them when i look back. Is it called confident? maybe cocky? just plain good? whatever you call it, at the end of the day, its nothing without being humble. God gave you the ability, he has the right to snatch it right away.
Humble.. "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Humility, or being humble, is the defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others. The opposite of humility is pride"
I try to think that i have learned, by doing, I try to be one of the most sportsmanlike, humble, God-fearing skaters on the floor, and i learned by my parents teaching me(thanks dad, mom!), and by my actions in the past that have embarrassed me by doing stuff i regret.
I skated against someone in Roanoke that got 4th place in our division. He was the only one that placed in both races, but was just off of the podium in 4th. Even still, he was the most cheerful, nicest (as he is always), and was just what you want a champion to be, win, lose, DQ, fall, no matter what,.. still humble.. Nick, Keep doing what you do.. You are a champ in my eyes!
I have read alot of stuff over the past few days, some of what floored me, some didn't surprise me, some i was just appalled by. I won nationals this past year (yes in the old classic division), but i will be the first to admit that God helped me, a little natural ability, and the love for skating had alot to do with it. I try to be the best on the floor, off the floor, and to the kids that i can possibly be, and i know that if got cocky, confident, whatever, people would start to "hate" on me, and rightfully so. One of the thinks that i read was that to be a champion, you have to think you are a champion, and i agree with that, but it goes back to what the little wiki dictionary said..defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.
As a national champ even I know i can get beat, heck, i did in Greensboro. But i know that with my accomplishments, comes alot of responsibility, and alot of kids looking up to myself, and others. If humility means you are weak, because you don't think of yourself better than others, then please, call me weak next time you see me, it would be a compliment.
A Roanoke review will be next.. (yea, another one) LOL
Until them, God bless, and PLEASE, stay humble, for the next generation of skaters!!!
Jimmy you are my Hero I wanna be just like you when I grow up lol, wait hold up I am older then you, any ways great blog keep it up gotta come down soon to see you and the fam and especially little man
One cannot live on both sides of the fence. This blog is very very self contradicting. The idea of being humble is great, however, when you say, "in my opinion God has blessed me to be as good as i am, with very little training," you are being quite the opposite. Let others tell you how good you are, this should never be self-proclaimed. You then go on to agree with something that again, contradicts the topic of your writings:
"One of the thinks that i read was that to be a champion, you have to think you are a champion, and i agree with that, but it goes back to what the little wiki dictionary said..defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others."
A champion is someone who IS better than everyone else, by proving this over and over again. They, in turn, believe that they can never be beat, a champion boxer is a prime example. A WINNER is someone who finds them self on the top of the podium occasionally, perhaps because they do have the humility you speak about. There is a difference. Winners have a short life span and are great at getting people to talk. Champions create dynasties, and have incredible longevity.
I'm not bashing here, i just like to see a good clean fight.
This post it too funny...first of all here's another definition for you and your family:
arrogance (uncountable)
The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; presumption. Closely related to the act of arrogating.
I had some respect for you but now its down to nothing...first of all Jimmy I feel you have realized very little in this sport. Second you are going after one of todays Icons in inline; Joey. What makes you think you have the right to attack him in the way you do? What do you have to back you up? God?
Sorry but you need to stop using God to make up for all your stupid comments!!!!!!!
I don't think Jimmy is using God in any way for making stupid comments. He is simply stating what he believes, and God is a big part of his life. So he's trying to live his life in the manner of which God wants him too. We are all human and at times show signs of arrogance and Jimmy i'm sure will admit this too. So some statements Jimmy writes may fall short in what he wants to do, but we know Jimmy's heart is the right place. So to say that he uses God as an excuse is absolutely ridiculous and wrong.
Im sorry you lost all respect for me "Mr/Mrs Anonymous", but withought your name, you dont matter to me. and i never said anywhere that i was going after Joey at all, do we have our issues? sure, but in no way shape or form did i say that this blog goes after any skater.
I write these from my thoughts, not TO any person. Do i have my faults, yes i do, do i think my family is pefect, No, i know we arent, but we do as best as we can, if people like us for that, then we are blessed.
Have a great day, and keep reading, I guess i need a shirt like joeys now? "i love haters"?
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