Monday, August 25, 2008

'08 closing cerermony of the olympics


Thats all i really can say, it was amazing.. They went alllll out on impressing the athletes, media, and the whole world. Great job China!

Michael Phelps, Shawn Johnson, the US runners, amazing performances.. I hope that team USA can continue that with the Inline World Championships coming up here just a handful of days from now! GO RED, WHITE, and BLUE!!!!

Just a quick thing also. At practice yesterday we had a talk about effort. When you practice/train, make sure you are putting for 110% effort in everything that you are working on. Right now indoor, working on plyo's, strength, core, and outdoor, keeping your strength up, making sure you have that sprint at the end... work to 100% of your ability, especially when you have those off days! When you don't feel good, push that much harder because THAT is when you are going to get better!

until next time, God Bless, and go do some "rollerblading"!

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